Pine Marten (Martes martes)
There was a time in Ireland, around the turn of the 19th century, when recording the place, time and date of an encounter with a wild animal was the activity of a small group of gentlemen who had the time, means and interest to travel the countryside.
The publication of the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland 2010-2015 by the National Biodiversity Data Centre in 2016, based on many records submitted by members of the public or citizen scientists, highlighted the important role now played by members of the public in documenting the changing distribution of the country’s mammals.
By submitting your observation of a pine marten using the sightings facility on this website, you will be contributing to the ongoing collection of data on the species which, when forwarded to the National Biodiversity Data Centre, will help to inform future decisions on its conservation.
Further information can be found on the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s Privacy Policy.